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From Mark Elo, AXIe Consortium Marketing Committee Chairman:

Welcome to the first edition of the AXIe newsletter for 2012. One of the most exciting things about AXIe is how well it supports high performance instrumentation in terms of available power per slot, cooling and board space - with the added bonus of being a PCIe-based system like PXIe. This fundamental shared functionality allows test equipment manufacturers, system integrators and test engineers to enjoy common integration and programming experiences enabled by two very complementary standards.

Looking back just one year, we've seen tremendous growth in the standard and its adoption. Recently we've seen the release of Version 2.0 of the AXIe Base Software Specification combined with the launch of high performance digitizers from Agilent Technologies and Guzik Test & Measurement, plus an additional 5-slot chassis from Agilent filling out our portfolio of offerings. And there is more to come! 2012 will be a banner year for the specification, as we see more application solutions for the Military/ Aerospace, High Energy Physics and Digital/ Semiconductor markets appear, as well as the continued growth in membership and adoption of the standard.

Finally, a big thank you to Guzik, who is sponsoring this month's issue.

Visit for more information.

Introduction to AXIe 2.0

By Joe Mueller, Agilent Technologies

The AXIe consortium recently adopted the AXIe 2.0 specification. This specification ensures that system integrators can access the necessary information to create an AXIe system in a consistent fashion.  A key feature of the specification is that it utilizes PXI so that system integrators can easily build systems that take advantage of the benefits of both the smaller PXI modules and the larger, higher power AXIe modules.

The AXIe 2.0 standards ensure that a system integrator can:

  • Combine instrument modules, chassis, and system modules from different vendors and still have an application work.
  • Get a list of what is connected to the system including the addresses of the modules
  • Write a measurement application using the system
  • Use PXI and AXIe products in a single system and have a consistent experience across the standards.

AXIe and Big Physics

by Lauri Viitas, Guzik Test and Measurement

The physics community has been an early adopter of modular systems, going back to the 1970s with CAMAC systems.  High energy particle accelerators, complemented by complex instrumentation and control systems, represent the largest scale scientific experiments mankind has ever attempted, and are giving us unique insight into the origins of the universe and the world we live in today.


Thanks to all our readers.
Bob Helsel, Editor



New AXIe Products

The members of the AXIe Consortium continue to release a steady flow of new products based on the emerging AXIe standard, some of which are spotlighted below:

AXIe 1.0 Base Architecture Specification Products

M9703A AXIe 12-bit High-Speed Digitizer

ADC 6000 Series AXIe-based Digitizer Module

DDR Logic Analyzer U4154A

AXIe 3.1 Semiconductor Test Extension Products

AX500 - AXIe Benchtop System

High Volume Production Test System




AXIe Begins Delivering on Applications

Larry Desjardin, Modular Methods LLC

When the AXIe standard was announced, the most common questions was, “Why do we need yet another standard?” This question proved challenging to answer.  Certainly, the advantages for AXIe could be explained with theoretical rack densities calculations, power and cooling capabilities, and bus bandwidths. But without solid examples of products that would come later, this remained a hypothetical and unsatisfying response.  Even for those that recognized the robust modular environment that AXIe could bring, the next question was even more difficult: “What applications will AXIe address?” This was impossible to answer, for one simple reason: Instrument vendors kept their product plans top secret!  The AXIe Consortium’s role, like that of any open standard, was to define an architecture open to all vendors that would support high performance instrumentation. So while there are technical discussions to deliver the goals of interoperability and performance, vendors jealously guarded how they will use the architecture or what products they would announce.





©2012 AXIe Consortium, Inc.
PO Box 1016; Niwot, CO 80544