by Larry Desjardin, Modular Methods LLC
When the AXIe standard was announced, the most common questions was, “Why do we need yet another standard?” This question proved challenging to answer. Certainly, the advantages for AXIe could be explained with theoretical rack densities calculations, power and cooling capabilities, and bus bandwidths. But without solid examples of products that would come later, this remained a hypothetical and unsatisfying response. Even for those that recognized the robust modular environment that AXIe could bring, the next question was even more difficult: “What applications will AXIe address?” This was impossible to answer, for one simple reason: Instrument vendors kept their product plans top secret! The AXIe Consortium’s role, like that of any open standard, was to define an architecture open to all vendors that would support high performance instrumentation. So while there are technical discussions to deliver the goals of interoperability and performance, vendors jealously guarded how they will use the architecture or what products they would announce.