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From Bob Helsel,
Editor, AXIe Newsletter

Welcome to the March 2017 issue of the AXIe Newsletter.

LinkedInOur AXIe Consortium LinkedIn membership numbers continue to increase and we are now a community of over 344 members. 

YoutubeIf you want to stay abreast of the AXIe standard you can subscribe to the new AXIe consortium YouTube Channel, or view the latest AXIe Overview presentation on the website.

Visit for more information.

Radar Target Generation and Electronic Warfare Simulation Test Suite Development –
Considering “Build vs. Buy” Decision

By Armand Pantalone, Director of EW/Radar Test Solutions
Mike Penta, VP of Sales and Marketing, Giga-tronics

Nearly every single Military Tactical Radar program, whether well-established and fielded for many years  or under development today, needs an RF Target Generator (RTG) and Electronic Warfare (EW) Simulation test capability. The relevant questions are “How quickly can we get one?” and “Should we Build or Buy?”. The same is true for every Radar Jammer/ EW program which needs a capability and testing environment to stimulate the EW system and provide  a means to test and evaluate the EW system function and performance.

Costs of specifying, designing, building or buying complex microwave test solutions can have a significant impact on maintaining existing defense contracts and winning new contracts for EW and Radar programs.

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Why do users buy test gear? – Part 2: R&D

By Larry Desjardin, Modular Methods

In part 1 of my series, Why do users buy test gear? I asked the question What are the business drivers of the end user that compels them to spend billions of dollars of their hard earned money each year on test equipment?

In that column, I observed that test and measurement is largely a derivative industry to the entire electronic product industry, and that test gear is purchased because a manufacturer or service provider needs it for its own success. I also shared a segmentation model, Figure 1. An electronic product flows through the lifecycle vertically from R&D to manufacturing to service, and the test requirements change as it moves.

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New AXIe Products

The members of the AXIe Consortium continue to release a steady flow of new products based on the AXIe standard, some of which are spotlighted below:

AXIe-1 Base Architecture Specification Products

Informtest 9 Slot AXIe Mainframe

Cobham AXIe Chassis

M9514A AXIe 14-Slot Chassis

AX1018 Integrated 10 slot AXIe with 19 slot PXI System

Giga-tronics GT-CHSIS2A (2-channel) and GT-CHSIS4A (4-channel) 
AXIe Advanced Signal Generation System Chassis

AX500 Integrated 5 Slot AXIe System

M9703B AXIe 12-bit 8ch High-Speed Digitizer/Wideband Digital Receiver

M9537A AXIe Embedded Controller

M9709A AXIe 8-bit High-Speed Digitizer

AXIe-0 Low Cost Instrument and Switch Products

VVK AXIe Switching Card

AXIe-0 System Module

6-slot Chassis in AXIe-0 Format

AXIe-3.1 Semiconductor Test Extension Products

AX500 - AXIe Benchtop System

High Volume Production Test System

48 Channel Digital Pin Card


Signal Acquisition in Aerospace and Defense

Submitted by Keysight Technologies

Test systems’ acquisition of signals related to potential threats in aerospace and defense applications require large time windows of continuous and simultaneous signal acquisition and readout.  Massive amounts of megahertz and gigahertz instantaneous bandwidth of data must be acquired, stored and processed for signal acquisition in radar, signal intelligence (SIGINT), and electronic warfare (EW).  Often times, multiple channels are used for the signal acquisition and measurement, so even minutes of acquisition time creates large amounts of data. Data must be stored in a way to ensure recovery of the best signal fidelity possible, while guaranteeing no loss of data.


©2017 AXIe Consortium, Inc.
PO Box 1016; Niwot, CO 80544
Published by Bode Enterprises, LLC