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From Brian LeMay,
AXIe Consortium President

Welcome to the July 2021 issue of the AXIe Newsletter sponsored by Keysight Technologies.

As we move forward into the 2nd half of 2021, the AXIe Consortium and AXie products are continuing to make cutting edge Test & Measurement innovations. The state of the art ODI standard is completed and breakthrough solutions are being developed for 6G. As the 5G rollout and global deployment has begun in earnest, early work on 6G has started with even higher data rates, wider bandwidths, and frequencies up to 220 GHz. These solutions are enabled by AXIe products, technologies, and standards that no other modular form factor can provide.

I'd also like to introduce myself as the new president of the AXIe Consortium representing Keysight. I have worked with Keysight, Agilent, & Hewlett Packard for almost 39 years & have been involved in many aspects of R&D and technology. I look forward to AXIe continuing its growth & contribution by enabling even more Test and Measurement breakthroughs. I would also like to thank Chris Miller for leading the Consortium and driving its growth over the past several years. With topics like ODI and 6G, we are confident these articles will help inspire you regarding the contribution AXIe is making in the Test & Measurement Industry.


Brian LeMay
Strategic Planning Manager
Keysight Technologies

A New Sub‐Terahertz Testbed
for 6G Research

By Keysight Technologies

The first 5G networks are commercial and expanding. We are on the cusp of realizing the next generation of high-speed, high-reliability, and flexible mobile connectivity. This connectivity is driving advanced new consumer applications as the second generation of commercial 5G user equipment arrives on the market. It also opens up new possibilities in developing smart factories and smart cities and in meeting challenges in sectors as diverse as agriculture, public health, and global resource management.

The pace of innovation continues to accelerate. Even with 5G in its early stages of expansion, research has begun for 6G. Keysight has joined the multiparty 6G Flagship Program. As a founding member, Keysight will participate in groundbreaking 6G research that pushes the boundaries of high-speed, highbandwidth communications. The vision for 6G includes concepts such as holographic communications and time-engineered systems that take the next step beyond the benefits of 5G ‐ thus expanding into even more sectors that depend upon always‐on connectivity.



ODI Interoperability and
Specification Update

By Larry Desjardin, Modular Methods

One of the standards developed and supported by the AXIe Consortium is the Optical Data Interface standard, or ODI for short. Based on optical links between instruments, instead of electrical links, ODI can stream data up to 20 GBytes/s from a single optical port, with speeds up to 80 GBytes/s through port aggregation. ODI is designed to address challenging applications in 5G communications, mil/aero systems, high-speed data acquisition, embedded systems, and communication research. A good overview of the physical characteristics of this optical interface standard, and the markets it addresses, can be found here.

ODI links, being a separate pluggable interface, can be placed on any product regardless of form factor. Below is a diagram of a hypothetical recording and playback system that combines any combination of bench instrumentation, AXIe modular instrumentation, and PXI modular instrumentation.




New AXIe Products

The members of the AXIe Consortium continue to release a steady flow of new products based on the AXIe standard, some of which are spotlighted below:

AXIe-1 Base Architecture Specification Products

M8199A Arbitrary Waveform Generator

VIAVI mA-6A30 AXIe Vector Signal Transceiver with 30 GHz Downconverter

Inform Test CHASSIS SN-14 AXIE-1

Inform Test NMAXIe-1

Condunt Cobra High Speed Recorder

Keysight M8121A 12 GSA/S Arbitrary Waveform Generator

Keysight M8132A 640 GB/S Digital Signal Processor

AXIe-3.1 Semiconductor Test Extension Products

Test Evolutions - EV100 Series Digital and Device Power Supplies

Test Evolution EV518 Test System

Test Evolution EV500 Test System

AXIe-0 Low Cost Instrument and Switch Products

Inform Test 4-Slot Chassis in AXIE-0 Format

Inform Test 6-Slot Chassis in AXIE-0 Format


AXIe-0 Low Cost Instrument and Switch Products


Info Test VVK AXIe Switching Card

Info Test AXIe-0 System Module

Info Test 6-slot Chassis in AXIe-0 Format

ODI Specification Products



Keysight M8132A 640 GB/S Digital Signal Processor

Keysight M8121A 12 GSA/S Arbitrary Waveform Generator

©2020 AXIe Consortium, Inc.
PO Box 108 Santa Rosa, CA 95402-0108
Published by Bode Enterprises, LLC