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From Bob Helsel,
Editor, AXIe Newsletter

Welcome to the October 2017 issue of the AXIe Newsletter.

LinkedInOur AXIe Consortium LinkedIn membership numbers continue to increase and we are now a community of over 343 members. 

YoutubeIf you want to stay abreast of the AXIe standard you can subscribe to the new AXIe consortium YouTube Channel, or view the latest AXIe Overview presentation on the website.

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Guzik Products Embrace
New ODI Optical Standard


By Lauri Viitas, Guzik Technical Enterprises

The Optical Data Interface standard, abbreviated as ODI, is a new high-speed interface for instrumentation systems. ODI shatters speed and distance barriers by relying on optical communication between devices, over a simple pluggable optical cable. Guzik Technical Enterprises is a pioneer in using this technology, and was a key contributor in the development of the specification. The ODI standard is designed to address challenging applications in 5G communications, mil/aero, and advanced communication research.  This article will highlight how Guzik is using the ODI standard to offer breakthrough measurement and analysis capability to the industry.

The ODI standard defines a standard optical port that can be placed on any instrument or device. Each port is capable of sending or receiving up to 160Gb/s of real-time data, continuously. The ODI optical cable can be up to 100 meters in length, easily eliminating distance constraints in racked systems.

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New Optical Interface Standard Aims at 5G

By Larry Desjardin, Modular Methods

By now, you may have seen the announcement from the AXIe Consortium, the VITA trade organization, and six companies endorsing a new standard called the Optical Data Interface(ODI). 

ODI is a new high-speed interface for instrumentation and embedded systems. It breaks speed and distance barriers by relying on optical communication between devices, over a standard pluggable optical fiber. With speeds up to 20 GBytes/s from a single optical port, and speeds up to 80 GBytes/s through port aggregation, ODI is designed to address challenging applications in 5G communications, mil/aero systems, high-speed data acquisition, and communication research.

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An AXIe-based Real-Time EW and
Radar Threat Emulation System

Submitted by Giga-tronics

Military radar and EW systems must be exposed to signal environments as representative as possible to those they will ultimately experience, and this work should begin early in the design process when it’s most cost-effective. Only by meeting these two criteria can designers be reasonably sure that their final design will deliver its desired performance in the exhaustive (and expensive) range tests that follow. The Giga-tronics Real-Time Threat Emulation System (TEmS) was created to make this achievable as a COTS-based bench-top emulation system. This modular approach allows the system to scale with individual modules rather than through addition of expensive stand-alone instruments.

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New AXIe Products

The members of the AXIe Consortium continue to release a steady flow of new products based on the AXIe standard, some of which are spotlighted below:

AXIe-1 Base Architecture Specification Products

M8290A 400G Coherent Test Solution

M9710A AXIe High-Speed Digitizer/DAQ, 10-bit, 10 GS/s, DC to 2.5 GHz BW

Cobham AXIe Chassis

M9514A AXIe 14-Slot Chassis

AX1018 Integrated 10 slot AXIe with 19 slot PXI System

Informtest 9 Slot AXIe Mainframe

Giga-tronics GT-CHSIS2A (2-channel) and GT-CHSIS4A (4-channel) 
AXIe Advanced Signal Generation System Chassis

AX500 Integrated 5 Slot AXIe System

M9703B AXIe 12-bit 8ch High-Speed Digitizer/Wideband Digital Receiver

M9537A AXIe Embedded Controller

M9709A AXIe 8-bit High-Speed Digitizer

AXIe-0 Low Cost Instrument and Switch Products

VVK AXIe Switching Card

AXIe-0 System Module

6-slot Chassis in AXIe-0 Format

AXIe-3.1 Semiconductor Test Extension Products

AX500 - AXIe Benchtop System

High Volume Production Test System

48 Channel Digital Pin Card


Challenges of MIPI Test

Submitted by Keysight Technologies

Mobile Industry Processor Interface (MIPI) Alliance standards used for hardware and software interfaces within mobile devices (smart phones, wireless-enabled tablets and netbooks) are a benefit to the mobile industry because they enable reuse and compatibility in mobile device development. Engineers are able to use the standards as guidelines during product design, and can rely on vendors to provide components that also conform to the interface standards, which in turn, ensures that their products interact properly with other MIPI conformant devices.


©2017 AXIe Consortium, Inc.
PO Box 1016; Niwot, CO 80544
Published by Bode Enterprises, LLC