ODI is the abbreviation for Optical Data Interface, a new high-speed interface standard for advanced instrumentation and embedded systems. ODI breaks speed and distance barriers by relying on optical communication between devices, over a simple pluggable optical cable.
With speeds up to 80 GBytes/s, ODI is designed to address challenging applications in 5G communications, mil/aero systems, high-speed data acquisition, and communication research. Though managed by the AXIe Consortium, ODI is not specific to AXIe, and works equally well with any product format, whether AXIe, PXI, LXI, VPX, or a traditional bench instrument design. Standard ODI ports enable communication between instruments, processors, storage, and embedded devices.
ODI Specification Structure |

ODI Press Release and Overview |
AXIe Consortium and Multiple Companies Announce Optical Communication Standard for Instrumentation Systems
October 2, 2017
ODI Technical Backgrounder
May 1, 2018
ODI Technical Overview
April 20, 2018
New Optical Interface Standard Aims at 5G
October 3, 2017.
In this article, Larry Desjardin explains the new ODI standard.
Optical Interfaces to Address 5G Test
December 19, 2018
This article describes some of the latest ODI-enabled products from Keysight and Conduant.
Below are the most recent revisions of the ODI Specifications. The document labeled ERRATA will state any pending changes to the specifications that are planned for the next revision. Please address all comments to Larry Desjardin, Technical Committee Chairman, at larry@modularmethods.com.
ODI-1: Physical Layer Specification, Revision 3.1
December 15, 2020
ODI-2: Transport Layer Specification, Revision 3.1
December 15, 2020
ODI-2.1: High-Speed Data Formats Specification, Revision 3.0
January 3, 2019
ODI-A: Application Programming Interface for Test and Measurement Specification, Revision 2.1
December 15, 2020
ODI-A Examples
ODI-D: Documentation Templates, Revision 1.0
January 29, 2019
Interlaken Specification
Interlaken Protocol may be downloaded free of charge from the Interlaken Alliance website, above.
VITA 49 Specifications
VITA 49 standards may be download for a modest fee from the VITA Online Store above
Once interoperability testing is complete, preliminary specifications will transition to final formal specifications.
The following vendors have announced products to enable ODI device and system design:
Intel Corporation
Intel Corporation offers FPGAs and Interlaken IP for ODI device and system design.
Contact information may be found on the Interlaken contact page http://www.interlakenalliance.com/contact.htm
Xilinx, Inc.
Xilinx offers FPGAs and Interlaken IP for ODI device and system design. Contact information may be found on the Interlaken contact page http://www.interlakenalliance.com/contact.htm
Samtec, Inc.
Samtec offers optical engines and optical cable assemblies for ODI device and system design.
The Samtec FireFly™ is the first optical solution compliant to the new Optical Data Interface ODI-1 Physical Layer Specification. FireFly™ supports 12 lane multi-mode optics at 12.5/14.1 Gbps. It also supports the Interlaken Protocol and offers Flow Control. The Samtec FireFly™ Micro Flyover System™ gives designers a choice of using either micro footprint high performance active optical engines or low-cost copper interconnects. This allows the designer to upgrade from electrical to optical FireFly™ using the same connector system.
For more information on FireFly™, please visit www.samtec.com/firefly or contact firefly@samtec.com.
Any organization or vendor may develop and offer ODI-compatible devices without restriction. There are no license fees, and membership in the AXIe Consortium is not required.
Any organization or vendor may participate in the ODI Technical Committee by joining the AXIe Consortium.
For further information, contact AXIe Technical Committee Chairman, Larry Desjardin, Modular Methods.
-Keysight AXIe M8132A FPGA Module
ODI-1: Physical Layer Specification, Revision 3.0
January 3, 2019
ODI-1: Physical Layer Preliminary Specification, Revision 2.0
April 20, 2018
ODI-1: Physical Layer Preliminary Specification, Revision 1.0
October 2, 2017
ODI-2: Transport Layer Specification, Revision 3.0
January 3, 2019
ODI-2: Transport Layer Preliminary Specification, Revision 2.0
April 20, 2018
ODI-2: Transport Layer Preliminary Specification, Revision 1.0
October 2, 2017
ODI-2.1: High-Speed Data Formats Preliminary Specification, Revision 2.0
April 20, 2018
ODI-2.1: High-Speed Data Formats Preliminary Specification, Revision 1.0
October 2, 2017
ODI-A: Application Programming Interface for Test and Measurement Specification, Revision 2.0
January 2, 2019
ODI-A: Application Programming Interface for Test and Measurement, Revision 1.0
May 1, 2018
ODI Changes from Rev. 1 to Rev. 2, Revision 1.0